At WyldLife camp, our middle school friends have the opportunity to have the best week of their lives with a leader from home, while having a genuine encounter with the Lord. This summer, Eastern Ottawa brought nearly 60 kids and leaders to share in this life changing experience at Michindoh! Jonah is one of these leaders from Eastern Ottawa who faithfully invited his middle school friends to camp. Here’s a story from Jonah about an experience he shared with one of his middle school friends, we’ll call him Cory:

“Cory is one of my middle school friends who did not want to go to camp. He would not get out of bed the morning of camp, would not pack his bag, and fought his parents on going. On the bus, he texted his mom and told her that the people on the bus were weird and he just wanted to get off. Cory always had an aggressive, tough guy attitude before camp.

The first day at camp Cory was not into club, the singing, the message, or anything that came with camp. As the week went on, it was obvious that he was getting more into camp: more smiling, and having an awesome time. During our last club, the speaker asked for anyone who accepted Jesus or strengthened their relationship with Christ this week to stand up. I looked back and saw Cory standing up, arms around his friends beside him, and with the biggest smile on his face.

At our post-camp party, Cory’s mom approached me and told me that he is a completely different kid after camp. She said he cannot stop talking about camp and how awesome it was! He even told her that at camp he accepted Jesus into his life, and said so with a huge smile across his face.

 Cory’s aunt said she looked into his eyes the day after camp and could tell something was different.

 He did not have an aggressive look in his eyes, but instead one of compassion and care. She said to him, “You accepted Jesus into your life this week, didn’t you?” to his response, “YES!” Cory told me a couple of weeks after camp that he continues to smile more and is happier. Truly incredible and all thanks to Jesus and the work He does in kids’ lives at WyldLife camp.”

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